To be completed, signed, and placed on file in the facility on the first day and updated as changes occur and at least annually
Child will be released only to the parents/guardians listed above. The child can also be released to the following individuals, as authorized by the
person who signs this application. In the event of an emergency, if the parents/guardians cannot be reached, the facility has permission to contact
the following individuals.
For any child with health care needs such as allergies, asthma, or other chronic conditions that require specialized health services, a medical action
plan shall be attached to the application. The medical action plan must be completed by the child’s parent or health care professional.
I, as the operator, do agree to provide transportation to an appropriate medical resource in the event of emergency. In an emergency situation,
other children in the facility will be supervised by a responsible adult. I will not administer any drug or any medication without specific instructions
from the physician or the child’s parent, guardian, or full-time custodian