Parent Statement of Understanding Of Policies and Procedures

Parent Handbook:

I have received, read and agree to abide by all policies and procedures set forth in the Tiny Treasure Kids “Parent Handbook”. I understand that the “Parent Handbook” is not a contract and that the center Director reserves the right to alter or ratify the policies and procedures as seen fit.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

North Carolina Child Care Laws:

I have received, read, and understand the North Carolina Child Care Laws and Rules Summary included in my enrollment package.
Clear Signature

Behavior Management Policy:

does hereby state that I have read and received a copy of the facility’s Discipline and Behavior Management Policy” and that the facility’s Director had discussed the policy with me.
Clear Signature
Date of Child’s Enrollment:

Permission to play outside the fenced playground:

I accordance with North Carolina childcare regulation, all children must have a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian giving them permission to play outside the fenced playground.
to play outside the fenced playground at Tiny Treasure Kids.
Clear Signature

Safe Sleep Policy:

I have received and reviewed the center’s “Safe Sleep Policy”
Clear Signature