Parent Statement of Understanding Of Policies and Procedures

Parent Handbook:

I have received, read and agree to abide by all policies and procedures set forth in the Tiny Treasure Kids “Parent Handbook”. I understand that the “Parent Handbook” is not a contract and that the center Director reserves the right to alter or ratify the policies and procedures as seen fit.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

North Carolina Child Care Laws:

I have received, read, and understand the North Carolina Child Care Laws and Rules Summary included in my enrollment package.

Behavior Management Policy:

does hereby state that I have read and received a copy of the facility’s Discipline and Behavior Management Policy” and that the facility’s Director had discussed the policy with me.
Date of Child’s Enrollment:

Permission to play outside the fenced playground:

I accordance with North Carolina childcare regulation, all children must have a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian giving them permission to play outside the fenced playground.
to play outside the fenced playground at Tiny Treasure Kids.

Safe Sleep Policy:

I have received and reviewed the center’s “Safe Sleep Policy”